Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Our Baby Plans

I have quite a few friends whom are pregnant or new mothers, which obviously makes me think about babies, much to Ted's dismay! I ask him frequently "Don't you want a baby?" He always says "Of course, but lets wait a little bit". So we have agreed that when we have been married a year, I will go off birth control (welcome to the world of Brienne's amazing hormones!)

I know it makes sense, the logical part of me says wait for 2 years, all the studies show waiting 2 years before children secures the marriage as well, we want to pay off bills and not have so many when we have kids. But the logical me and the emotional/nurturing me do not communicate often and thus I have these intense desires to have children. It is so bad sometimes that I go to the stores and walk up and down the baby aisles. I know I am pathetic. But I am truly glad to be married and enjoy this time before another kid shows up :)

1 comment:

Brie'sMom said...

Glad to read of your baby plans so I can begin work on my Nana plans.