Sunday, August 24, 2008

6 days and counting!

Yes, the beginning of college football is only 6 days away. The Olympics finally came to a close this evening which tells me my husband will come to bed at a decent time, but only for 6 days. We went hunting for our Husker gear, trying to find the perfect hat for Ted which brings the team luck of course, so we must search high and low for that perfect hat! No, we did not make any purchases, we will resume the hunt on Friday, hitting a few more stores. All in all I look forward to college football, it is a fun time of year!

We went to the Nebraska State Fair on Saturday. We had purchased arm bands for the rides, thinking this would make up for our inability to go to Worlds of Fun this last May. Boy were we WRONG! Ted and I could not stand the mouthy teenagers. Now I know I was a typical teenager, whom was mouthy and so forth, but something has happened to these teens. The fowl language, king/queen of the world syndrome and archaic rudeness to adults is absolutely mind boggling. Teens these days have a sense of entitlement, there is no need to be polite and/or respectful. I was amazed. I think I was amazed because I work with teens! And I have never seen such a display of pubescent hormonal attitude. And as always, girls are much worse than boys. The problem seems to be with the 13-16 year olds, whom cannot keep their tongues in their mouths. you can see this was quite a disappointment. It seems that we as a society are letting our youth down, by allowing them to be this way. What is the future going to look like? Cheers to all the parents who believe in disciplining their kids and not allowing them to become a sore on society.

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