Monday, August 11, 2008


Many of you know that I started a new position working as a therapist for the Dept of Corrections, a long with that I have had to complete self defense training, pressure point moves, defense tactics and today was knife defense. Each day that we have had this rigorous training I have been bruised and swollen beyond belief. Today was our last day of training with emphasis on Knife defense. My forearms are in so much pain, not to mention bruised, it looks like I have been in a fight. But the training is over and I begin my career tomorrow. I had on the job training last week which went well, I am excited to jump in an go!

Please be praying for my friend Sarah S. whom is going through testing for possible medical conditions. Jackie is due 8/13, so be praying that all goes well with her impending delivery of Maisie. Sarah K. is still experiencing pregnancy sickness and she is well into her 3rd trimester. Becky is on bed rest, please pray that she will find things to do that she can do, I know she likes to stay busy! Also, Molly is expecting a little boy and seems to finally be through morning sickness, be praying that she has a delightful pregnancy!

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