Thursday, November 13, 2008

Moving Moment

At church last sunday it was our missions sunday. We hear about what we have been doing in missions abroad and locally, as well learn of the needs. In the service there was a true story video, I want to share that story with you. I can't remember the names, but the message is what is more important.

A group of seasonal banana farmers/harvesters/workers (men, women and children) were on a bus headed to the banana fields in Colombia, when they were stopped by guerillas. The guerillas took the bus and drove it about 20 miles with the people at the back of the bus. They stopped the bus and had the workers get out, kneel, and tied their hands behind their back. The guerillas set the bus on fire and proceeded to shoot the workers. One male worker while on his knees prayed for his persecutors, that God would show mercy upon the guerrillas. At the end of the ordeal all 26 workers were shot, all died but one, the worker who prayed. A few years later the worker who prayed was in a local jail (for preaching the gospel) and was celled next to the guerrilla commander ordered the killings. Over time, the worker witnessed to the guerrilla commander and that commander came to know the Lord. To this day the worker and commander are friends and the worker disciples the commander.

What struck me about this story was the interview with the commander whom is so remorseful for what he has done. He weeps daily for the death he has caused. Also, the compassion for the worker to put aside his judgements, anger, vengeance and just be Christ, how amazing!

I don't know if I could do that. Forgive something like that. It was truly touching and life changing.

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