Thursday, November 13, 2008

Moving Moment

At church last sunday it was our missions sunday. We hear about what we have been doing in missions abroad and locally, as well learn of the needs. In the service there was a true story video, I want to share that story with you. I can't remember the names, but the message is what is more important.

A group of seasonal banana farmers/harvesters/workers (men, women and children) were on a bus headed to the banana fields in Colombia, when they were stopped by guerillas. The guerillas took the bus and drove it about 20 miles with the people at the back of the bus. They stopped the bus and had the workers get out, kneel, and tied their hands behind their back. The guerillas set the bus on fire and proceeded to shoot the workers. One male worker while on his knees prayed for his persecutors, that God would show mercy upon the guerrillas. At the end of the ordeal all 26 workers were shot, all died but one, the worker who prayed. A few years later the worker who prayed was in a local jail (for preaching the gospel) and was celled next to the guerrilla commander ordered the killings. Over time, the worker witnessed to the guerrilla commander and that commander came to know the Lord. To this day the worker and commander are friends and the worker disciples the commander.

What struck me about this story was the interview with the commander whom is so remorseful for what he has done. He weeps daily for the death he has caused. Also, the compassion for the worker to put aside his judgements, anger, vengeance and just be Christ, how amazing!

I don't know if I could do that. Forgive something like that. It was truly touching and life changing.


I have been getting many questions about work and thought I would share with all. Work is work. At times I enjoy it and at other times I wish I was somewhere else. But I do love it most days. At times my job can be stressful as I come from a progressive state and Nebraska often seems as if it is still in the 50/60s. But I know I am doing great things, I know the Lord is doing great things through me.

I found out today that a new co-worker of mine has resigned, I really liked her, so she will be missed greatly. But I also found out that I can laterally move into her position which is a permanent position. Which means I would be a permanent employee and would do more of what I love. This job would be working mostly with sex offenders. I know what many of you are thinking, how could you work with those type of people? I didn't think I could at first, but let me tell you I think it is a calling from God. It seems so many times I had people mention being a sex offender therapist and I would always say no, until now. This inpatient program in corrections is amazing! It is using DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) which is a new concept and is quite successful. I am currently working with sex offenders about 35% of the time and really enjoy it. Don't get me wrong, it can be difficult at times hearing their stories, but it is great to watch these folks change.

The Agony!

I have to be a part from my puppy this weekend and I am sad about it :(. I know many of you laugh and say, its just a dog. But he's not, he fills my baby void. I am sad about having to leave him at Grandma Hay's house for the weekend. Oh well...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

More Honeymoon Pictures!

Haystack Rock and the house from the movie "Goonies". The bungalow where we stayed. View from Ecola Park in Cannon Beach (part of the Goonies was filmed here, the part of the old restaurant was constructed on the park grounds and torn down after filming). And a large anchor in Newport (Ted is standing next to it).

Honeymoon Pictures!


Just wanted to let you know that my Grandma Louise (Maternal grandmother) is actively dying. So please pray for my family during this time. Please pray for me as it is very difficult to be so far away from my family right now.


I can't believe that we have had Chewie for over a month now. He is such my focus and pride and joy. Not to mention I handle Ted's hours a lot better with a cute puppy to come home to. He can now sit on command, goes to the door to go out to potty and is learning "come". This morning he did the cutest thing when I was giving him his morning H2O and breakfast. He started to get very excited and began jumping up and down. This was the first time he had done so. However he gets so excited now that he doesn't want to eat much, so we are working on his breakfast meal and getting him to eat it. Some of you may say no big deal, he'll eat when he is hungry. True, but when he gets dinner he is so hungry that he doesn't chew and eats too fast, thus vomitting it back up and then re-eating it. Wouldn't be so bad if it didn't stain the carpet.

He has grown since we first got him. I think Chewie will get his first hair cut on Saturday, so I will try and post new pictures of him after that.

Pictures of Chewie!!

Well, we finally got pictures of Chewie on the computer so will put a few on! Sorry about not blogging all. It is hard when I am not infront of the home computer very often. I plan on getting back into my old routine on Saturday mornings while Ted is still asleep.