Sunday, September 14, 2008

Fall Cleaning

Okay so the first day of fall is around the corner, but when your husband says lets clean, you take advantage of that time. However, he has Fridays off, so his thought was lets clean Friday when you get home from work...WRONG!!! Must I remind him that is my last day of work for the week and all I want to do is relax. So he cleaned mostly (remember his idea of cleaning is different than mine, as mine is logical). I was always taught to clean public areas first, then private areas (bedroom, game room, office, etc). Ted has a top/bottom approach, which means lets clean the office, bedroom and guestroom first. So I let him clean those areas of Friday, then yelled at him on Saturday for making the rest of the house more of a mess (it was also hot and humid in our house which I don't do well in). I think he understood my point and my upset as he demonstrated by closing all the windows, turning on the A/C, giving me a kiss, then going upstairs :) Nonetheless the house is clean!

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