Sunday, October 12, 2008

Feeling blue ):

I am feeling a bit blue today, this schedule difference between Ted and I is really getting to me. I feel a bit more like a maid and cook than a wife. I am sure it is because I clean up during the day, make sure a meal is on the counter for Ted when he gets home, etc. It wouldn't be so bad if I actually got to spend some time with him, but I don't.

When we are home together, our schedules are still opposites. I don't feel like a priority. I'm not sure what to do.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

If the schedules can't currently be changed to more align with each other, I would recommend setting a specific time each day (you might have to stay up late...take a nap during the evening while Ted is working) or a specific day each week where the two of you just focus on each other.

And remember to always be open about each other's expectations -- don't expect the other one to automatically know (they likely won't).

Hope that helps...and hope to see you soon.